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Thread: Club Member Benefits and MM membership status 8/10/2011

  1. #1
    Elected Club Official 2001-WS6's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Waterford/White Lake

    Default Club Member Benefits and MM membership status 8/10/2011

    The Primary Contacts for Club Membership status and information is
    CMYZ28 - Nick - Club President

    We’ve had some people asking what benefits are included with a membership with Motown Muscle. There is a lot to include, so I'm going to do my best to keep this short and sweet. If anyone needs more detail, just post up and we will do our best to answer any questions.

    1. Sponsor Discounts- Our sponsors have always been very helpful with getting club members good deals on all types of products and services. I encourge you to contact the sponsor rep list, and send a PM if you're looking for something a sponsor may be able to help you out with.

    2. Discounts at track rentals- Club members are given a $10 discount at track rentals, and after just two rentals the members ship has more than paid for itself. Next season we're looking at getting back to a 3 race format for club members.

    3. Motown Muscle Car shows- This season we had two, one with an open house at Livernois, and the other at the new my mobile store, and we're looking to carry on that tradition into next year!

    4. Discounts on Woodward parking and T-Shirts- Every year Motown Muscle does it big down at Woodward, and next year will be no exception. Being a club member entitles you to discounted club parking, and discounts on Motown T-Shirts! ( Order will be placed yearly)

    5. Message board user upgrades - Being a club member changes the size limits of avatars, the addition of a sig, permission to enter the club house forum, and a larger box for PM's.

    6. Motown Muscle Picnic-The club will provides hot dogs, hamburgers, buns, the toppings, chips and pop to drink. Everyone gets together to show off their rides at the end of summer.

    Payments can be made via PayPal at the following link for new club members:

    Current club members wishing to renew their annual membership with PayPal can send their $25 payment to our PayPal account at:
    Last edited by CMYZ28; 08-18-2014 at 10:43 AM.
    01 Black on Black Trans Am WS-6... hrrmmmmmmm it might be a barn find????

  2. #2
    Elected Club Official 2001-WS6's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Waterford/White Lake


    Name User ID Renewal Date

    Chris Chrisja 2/28/2020

    Lyle sonic z 5/27/2020

    John JT351 4/12/2020

    George Torxilla 4/30/2013

    Daniel sidewayscoupe 3/4/2013

    Saso Antovski Rickety 2/28/2013

    Anthony t-typex1 2/19/2013

    Shauna littlemissGTO 11/13/2012

    Matthew Krazybones 11/4/2012

    Tim notch92408 8/20/2012

    Anthony Anthony 8/18/2012

    Charles ccbchevy 8/3/2012

    Aaron NOBOOST 7/25/2012

    JAsiegel Siegel1719 7/11/2012

    Jesse wayfastwhitey 7/11/2012

    Fred braile 7/10/2012

    Tyler AutoEuphoria 7/1/2012

    Dave DeFormula 6/30/2012

    Nick CMYZ28 6/30/2012

    Jim Birdie2000 6/30/2012

    Dave dbk 6/29/2012

    Andrew loosenut 6/11/2012

    Fredrick Reiko 6/5/2012

    Jeff Lightning Jeff 5/29/2012

    Denny AutoRoc 5/29/2012

    Scott 1BAD86Z Driveline Solutions 5/29/2012

    Dominic LITTLEMAGS 5/27/2012

    Jamison FIVEOHCRAZY 5/20/2012

    Mike Sledder 5/15/2012

    Dan dpmcghee 5/13/2012

    Mathew capone 5/2/2012

    Dave dave89iroc 5/1/2012

    Jeff SSpdDmon 5/1/2012

    John DRAG-ULA 4/25/2012

    Mike Sponsor 4/23/2012

    Ron Sponsor CT & CT 4/17/2012

    Jimmy coupefastback 4/14/2012

    Drew 408cleveland 88 gt 4/2/2012

    Tony Hugger Z 3/31/2012

    Raj Fryguy302 3/31/2012

    Joel The Califonia Guy 3-25-2012

    David svtserpent 3/23/2012

    Kyle ItsAllAboutTheT&A 03-07-2012

    Dan Dan Millen 03-03-2012

    Rick 99SaleenSpeedster 03-03-2012

    Andy 88ls1blazer 03-03-2012

    Joseph Jenga 3/01/2012

    Joseph STENOD 2/28/2012

    Rick 2001-WS6 2/28/2012

    Phil NTIMID8 2/28/2012

    Paul P.F.M. 2/28/2012

    Mike 347convert 02-25-2012

    Jon POPPAJ 2/11/2012

    Doug 85notch 2/3/2012

    Jim HANGEMHIGH 2/19/2012

    Roger billydroveit 1/24/2012

    Jodie Quick351 1/21/2012

    John johnquick648 1/18/2012

    James UR2SLW 1/2/2012

    Leonard forcefed92 1/7/2012

    Jim 66 Chevelle 1/6/2012

    Fred fyoung 1/3/2012

    Petar $uperstang 12/7/2011

    James Torino 1971 12/26/2011

    Dave TeamZ Motorsports 12/13/2011

    Matthew Scooter70 12/11/2011

    Joseph joestag 12/11/2011

    Scott Scott714 12/10/2011

    Matt 91trunk 12/2/2011

    Shannon Dan blackstang 11/28/2011

    Donald DeJay 11/28/2011

    Sean 90blknotch 11/18/2011

    Richard The Man 11/15/2011

    John SVTSINR 11/12/2011

    Evan King302 11/6/2011

    Marlon quarterhorse 11/4/2011

    Mark mdhmi 11/2/2011

    James jameser 10/21/2011

    Brandon little2v 10/11/2011

    Sean Sean 10/11/2011

    Jeff JLP 10/11/2011

    Baldy 10/10/2011

    Christopher Prostreet72 10/9/2011

    Stephen 91Mustang 10/8/2011

    Sean LTLHOMER 10/5/2011

    Chris MentalMisfit 10/3/2011

    Brian 93coupe 10/2/2011

    Dean pferd 9/7/2011

    Ted Triple Black 9/7/2011

    Joe Duke 8/25/2011

    Alberto Crazzy_Al 8/18/2011

    Todd pacecarBBC 8/13/2011

    Jeff jsalvato1 8/13/2011

    BIGCOWL-IMP 12/18/2013

    Rick 88RedLX 1/18/2013

    Brian Here Comes the Boom 2/20/2013

    Chad Clark 05cesrt 11/23/13

    Mathew Palomino Capone 11/24/13

    Christopher Lee TooSlo86 11/26/13

    Mike Mustangmike6996 11/29/13
    Last edited by CMYZ28; 11-30-2013 at 08:12 AM.
    01 Black on Black Trans Am WS-6... hrrmmmmmmm it might be a barn find????

  3. #3
    Elected Club Official 2001-WS6's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Waterford/White Lake



    Name User ID Renewal Date
    Mike BigWheelinBubba 7/31/2011
    Daniel outlawdan 7/27/2011
    Justin jcol3434 7/18/2011
    Chris Kryp2nitE 7/13/2011
    John John Boschma 7/8/2011
    Joe Joe 7/2/2011
    Larry 1BADAIR 6/30/2011
    Bryan Broken 6/25/2011
    Jeremy BB71MOPAR 6/25/2011
    Justin Justindwright 6/22/2011
    Lawrence 95 BLOWN GT 6/15/2011
    Joe Topless_Pony_00 6/30/2011
    Brian NOAVG5.0 6/5/2011
    Kevin 1BADWS6 6/5/2011
    Paul Ruu 6/13/2011
    Jerry ShadowRuleZ 5/30/2011
    Jay Razmiblackz28 5/28/2011
    Mark Amphetamine 5/18/2011
    Richard TopElimn8r 5/15/2011
    James 02GTVert 5/10/2011
    Philip trott 5/9/2011
    James TTA 4/30/2011
    Shelly FBODGRL 4/30/2011
    Doug dreadred 4/22/2011
    Russ russ 4/21/2011
    Robertson erobert3 4/15/2011
    Charile 5.8notchkid 4/14/2011
    Dave Turbo89gt 4/13/2011
    Paul G8GT594 4/7/2011
    Kim KimKim 4/3/2011
    Mike Detroit454 4/1/2011
    Eric Roadrage 3/31/2011
    Douglass kammi10 3/30/2011
    Jeff URDONE4 3/27/2011
    Tom 94 drop 3-25-2011
    Ryan RyeLou 3/14/2011
    Rick nitrousrick 3/13/2011
    John ChevyManSS350 3/12/2011
    Mark foolsgold80z 3/12/2011
    Mike mikesfastss 3/8/2011
    Robert Capt Fuzzo 3/9/2011
    Albert slow z 3/4/2011
    Scott mcougar351w 3/01/2011
    Gene MIWS62001 2/28/2011
    John SvrdRam 2/11/2011
    OPP superpro3651 2/9/2011
    Rebecca Fuel Man 2/7/2011
    Marc Stormy81 2/6/2011
    Brandon knievel 1/29/2011
    Rickey charged08 1/16/11
    Leonard scoot 1/7/2011
    Kelly bottlefed93 1/7/2011
    Allan Sleeper 12/21/2010
    Timothy 383s10tim 12/15/2010
    James PaysoProductions 12/14/2010
    Michael 2fastturbos 12/10/2010
    Chad 99slverz 12/2/2010
    Matt Matt Paul 11/4/2010
    Mark jpsartre12 10/11/2010
    Jason Jdebler 10/11/2010
    Chris ChrisFrez 10/11/2010
    Michael Vettzilla 10/11/2010
    David monster 10/11/2010
    Ron Rat 9/30/2010
    Daniel Dannydodge 9/23/2010
    Jonathan Superman09 9/22/2010
    Robert supernotch90 9/21/2010
    Alexander DRKCYDE 9/18/2010
    Joel JoeliusZ28 9/15/2010
    Keith K Dave's Buddy 9/11/2010
    Lars lab1702 9/11/2010
    Richard dline 9/11/2010
    Justin 95ltfun 8/27/2010
    Craig ASRoff 8/21/2010
    Jason SableGTO 8/16/2010
    Michael TopTen Detailing 8/16/2010
    Keith kaspeed 8/13/2010
    Daniel LtDan313 8/8/2010
    Jason cnjcustoms 8/3/2010
    Daniel notchrocket 7/31/2010
    Matt ls1matt 7/25/2010
    Darko darkostoj 7/11/2010
    Joseph jhilla68 7/8/2010
    Kevin -Kevo- 7/6/2010
    Nicholas formula17 6/30/2010
    Nathaniel N8dogg2669 6/26/2010
    Joe joekid 6/23/2010
    Joshua braxx 06/22/2010
    Matthew SuperCoupeMatt 6/21/2010
    Cory MystryGuy 6/5/2010
    Robert Allovru 6/4/2010
    Nathan strawboss38679 6/2/2010
    Joshua pntbllgamer 6/2/2010
    Gibby 93blower 5/31/2010
    Mike 388Monte 5/31/2010
    Ricky streetracin 5/24/2010
    Jay Doctor 5/22/2010
    Cory death8033 5/13/2010
    Neil fantastixvoyage 5/12/2010
    Carl Slickstang 5/11/2010
    Brian RopeS 5/3/2010
    Jeff SSpdDmon 5/1/2010
    Brian TRBOBUICK 4/30/2010
    Ryan badcat5.oh 4/22/2010
    Christopher mustangman95gt 4/20/2010
    Michael yellarado 4/16/2010
    Richard mrturbo1300r 3/28/2010
    Revennie whiplash 3/22/2010
    Matthew SS4Matt 3/21/2010
    Shawn slowfive0 3/17/2010
    Jeff midnightg6v6 3/16/2010
    Douglas 89 Freshstang 3/13/2010
    Aaron stika pimp 3/10/2010
    Geoff Whitehawk 3/31/2010
    Alfred mr hyde 03-07-2010
    Rick 1badford 3/6/2010
    Samantha FEMF8TL 3/5/2010
    George 00sonolow 3/4/2010
    Jason 86 jewel 02-25-2010
    David Way2Slow 02-25-2010
    Nathan nmcgrawj 2/23/2010
    Brandon greentrunk 2/21/2010
    David 93calypsohatch 2/15/2010
    Joseph wheelz357 2/14/2010
    Mark Mark Crank 2/3/2010
    Gary 2004BOSS 1/31/2010
    Cass black_cobra_95 1/30/2010
    Captain Captain Chaos 1/26/2010
    Daryl darylwilson 1/18/2010
    Robert Tim 1/16/2010
    Cody 2 FAST 4 U 1/12/2010
    Micheal Speedy 1/10/2010
    Dean Sardeanie 12/30/2009
    Val 315Plus 12/28/2009
    Jeffrey hourang 12/28/2009
    James FASHOOTER 12/26/2009
    Derrick igotaneed4speed 12/21/2009
    Shari Camarochic5 12/21/2009
    Don prostreetblazer 12/20/2009
    Parke Phatstang 12/14/2009
    Roy blumachwon 12/12/2009
    Adam TurboOutlaw 12/12/2009
    Adam avbcon12 11/25/2009
    Dave's acct for QuirkyMerk 11/24/2009
    Jennifer's acct for Boomer! 11/24/2009
    Ryan cdz28 11/22/2009
    Sky Shadowfox 11/18/2009
    Sean controlled insanity 11/17/2009
    Bryon superstang9085 11/13/2009
    Paul x4bngr 11/13/2009
    Michael 79pace 11/11/2009
    Justin JDP 11/9/2009
    Rob uwntsumrII 11/7/2009
    Marc S*******r 11/5/2009
    Dave subie cop 11/3/2009
    Kevin Slideways 10/28/2009
    Justin Jsxtreme 10/18/2009
    Christian VanFaasenC 10/17/2009
    Mathew SVT32VDOHC 10/13/2009
    Nicholas Nickgregg2007 10/12/2009
    Justin twistedstang 10/12/2009
    Mike mikeg 10/11/2009
    Karl Got9lbs 10/11/2009
    Dave daveg 10/11/2009
    Tom Cobra Tom 10/11/2009
    Jeff qwkslvr 10/11/2009
    Ed EDA50 10/10/2009
    Brian U Win Towing 10/10/2009
    David chevelledave 10/10/2009
    Ryan 1fstfox 10/10/2009
    Ross webleedorange619 10/9/2009
    Bambie nosbigshot 10/8/2009
    Robert quickstang1983 10/6/2009
    Jason Fordguy 10/5/2009
    antonio bowtie93 10/5/2009
    James Golden 10/5/2009
    Paul 69C20 10/2/2009
    Julie sexysixer 10/1/2009
    asim badmtfk 9/30/2009
    ben bigbengreca 9/30/2009
    Benjamin benk 9/30/2009
    Noah my8950 9/28/2009
    MARK ORANGE STANG 9/24/2009
    keith 93-bucket 9/24/2009
    Dominic TWOBEERS 9/22/2009
    Charles MCH86GN 9/21/2009
    mitchell black88coupe 9/16/2009
    justin ramrod 9/16/2009
    Brad 1996MONTESS 9/3/2009
    Nicholas White Out 8/17/2009
    Alexsay Pure84GTT 8/2/2009
    Don don t 7/26/2009
    pat hogan Patman 7/11/2009
    Salvatore blwncobra 7/11/2009
    Steve RedXtcy 7/11/2009
    Charles ender z06 7/5/2009
    Joe Joe 7/2/2009
    Chris Cbacarella 6/10/2009
    Matt Dropspeed 6/10/2009
    Gary grr456 6/7/2009
    Csaba Kovacs32 6/5/2009
    Brian INSTG8R 5/30/2009
    Brian Big B 05/14/2009
    Adam coldblue012 5/4/2009
    Dale Performance Red Dale 5/3/2009
    Robert Rob83gt 5/3/2009
    John QUASAR 4/30/2009
    Lance Camaro396 4/28/2009
    Matt Hawkins 4/25/2009
    Joe TwilightBlu92 4/25/2009
    Casey 99lsWON 4/2/2009
    Mike Mike's 95 4/1/2009
    Tom Fejwe 3/30/2009
    William FLAGMANBILL 3/29/2009
    Robert OrangeF150 3/28/2009
    Jeremy IBMGTO 3/28/2009
    Jamie 1BadSn95 3/27/2009
    Dave postban 3/27/2009
    Sean CamaroKid91Z 3-25-2009
    Dave foxbodydave 3-25-2009
    Kyle Kaa454 3-25-2009
    Brian 2k3sgm 03-13-2009
    J.P. dkbykesdk 03-11-2009
    Vasilios vasili90gt 03-10-2009
    Tyler trigger 03-07-2009
    Stojan Lnchman 03-07-2009
    Stephen AcEs FuLL 03-04-2009
    Ryan Orangejuiced86 3/3/2009
    JONATHON ur2slow 03-03-2009
    Gary mr bigg 03-02-2009
    Thomas MyGreenZ 03-02-2009
    Larry Maniacc 2/28/2009
    Mark fogged10 2/26/2009
    Marilyn Mystic858 02-20-2009
    Steve CHARGERR 2/19/2009
    Robert yellowstang87 2/19/2009
    Katarra 1faststang 2/17/2009
    Amer omas 2/17/2009
    Tom GrandmaLS 2/12/2009
    Michael Beertestr 2/8/2009
    Craig deviate 2/6/2009
    Jerad TSR 2/6/2009
    Dave no5.0notch 2/6/2009
    Dennis bigd4822 2/5/2009
    Jason 5.8coupe 2/5/2009
    Christopher DoubleC 1/29/2009
    Francis NOSWS6 1/26/2009
    Michael Deuce450 1/17/09
    Allen apyah 01/06/09
    Matt cjmatt 12/21/2008
    Joseph easy2cy 12/21/2008
    Adam CableGuy 12/15/2008
    Shane Bluefox91 12/13/2008
    Scott 77 ford 12/13/2008
    Cory 99TransAmWS6 12/9/2008
    Erik fakessturbo 12/7/2008
    Mark allthrottles10 12/4/2008
    Josh Helpless02 12/3/2008
    Jacob jakefb 12/3/2008
    Low3ltr 12/2/2008
    Mark mark468 11/21/2008
    Dan CRASH 11/9/2008
    Josh mikebos99 11/4/2008
    Nick draco 10/30/2008
    Frank S2GOTZZ 10/30/2008
    Dave turbododgeglh 10/17/2008
    Ronald badbird 10/14/2008
    Matt dirtybird 10/11/2008
    Jon jtcstrat 10/11/2008
    Joshua xtremewheelz 10/11/2008
    Joshua Jdustu 10/1/2008
    Doug joycelynn08 10/1/2008
    Tom BADBOLT02 9/29/2008
    Emilie silent E 9/24/2008
    Shawn Horsesnake 9/20/2008
    Richard Ricksdart 9/15/2008
    Michael Musmaro 9/10/2008
    Rober 86 coupe 8/24/2008
    Nick team_southside 8/20/2008
    Mike Mike94zlt1 8/19/2008
    Beau beau 8/18/2008
    Alex Slo_240sx 8/15/2008
    Kevin Quick86 8/15/2008
    Daren Wikidta 8/15/2008
    Chris DJCOBOL 8/14/2008
    Don flight434 8/13/2008
    Michael Strokin04 8/11/2008
    Gary Mr Mach 1 8/10/2008
    Ryan Stalker 7/31/2008
    Matt y2khawk 7/30/2008
    Albert AL SS590 M6 7/30/2008
    John Fast93 7/29/2008
    Mark 97whtesvt 7/26/2008
    Rob RobM 7/25/2008
    Ethan fst89302 7/24/2008
    Andrew Insomnya3AM 7/24/2008
    Michael BIGSHOW 7/13/2008
    Daniel yfz450 7/11/2008
    Eddie 82coupe351 7/9/2008
    Ken L98Terror 7/9/2008
    black_bullit 6/30/2008
    Darryl Bigslim 6/23/2008
    George GeosRide 6/13/2008
    David cobrarwanab 6/5/2008
    Michael 86camaroz28 6/5/2008
    Nathan red347lx 6/2/2008
    Jayson ViolentJ 5/31/2008
    Dennis Imnotfast 5/30/2008
    Tina 5/28/2008
    Brad 4 cam tbird 5/16/2008
    Trase trasenstine 5/15/2008
    Mark Trapps 5/11/2008
    Yu rainson 5/8/2008
    Matthew reallyredcobra 5/8/2008
    Greg Bishop 4/30/2008
    Kevin Kevin 4/30/2008
    Michael Mike93Z28 4/30/2008
    Tom SSunset 4/30/2008
    Jon jpk 4/27/2008
    Chris irocss85 4/23/2008
    Richard xlcustoms 4/15/2008
    Blake blakstr1 4/11/2008
    Tom cASeSenSiTive 3/31/2008
    Antonio ether947 3/29/2008
    Shaun Stinger1987 3/24/2008
    Chris GTrackd02 3/23/2008
    Mark WIKDSVT 3/15/2008
    Willie Lightfighter 3/10/2008
    Jason Detroit Style Dragger 3/6/2008
    Chuck chuckycaprice 3/3/2008
    Eric 91Bird305 2/28/2008
    Nick MotorCityNova572 2/26/2008
    Scott 198950lx 2/22/2008
    Jason 1FSTBRD 2/22/2008
    Ritch RBOD 2/18/2008
    Lorein natzke4 2/13/2008
    Dave MxRacerCam 2/10/2008
    Stephen sparks 1/30/2008
    Alphonso Foncarelli 1/10/2008
    Brian Dr. Teeth 1/4/2008
    Richard BLOWNMALIBU 12/30/2007
    Brian TuffEnuff 12/27/2007
    Erik 8URZ0H6 12/5/2007
    Larry vinjammer 11/25/2007
    Patrick LT1PAT 11/20/2007
    loosebolt 11/19/2009
    Jason smooth 11/17/2007
    Charles Chuck@Best Machine 10/30/2007
    Christopher DoubleC 10/23/2007
    Matthew 82hatch 10/20/2007
    Van Black96cobra 10/18/2007
    Joey iceman 10/13/2007
    Salvatore temptnu 10/11/2007
    Michael limige 10/11/2007
    Christopher speed salvage 10/10/2007
    Marc PurpleHaze 10/8/2007
    Nick BLOWNZO6 9/8/2007
    Timothy 90_notch 9/4/2007
    William Amznblue 8/16/2007
    John Birdstheword 8/16/2007
    Justin ricefed 8/13/2007
    Michael Detroitfire23 8/8/2007
    Dorthy 91Notch 8/3/2007
    Bill gilsbachracecraft 7/31/2007
    Anthony ssr4gt 7/30/2007
    Christophe yonson 7/26/2007
    Sal Tony Soprano 7/25/2007
    John TA Jack 6/30/2007
    Jeff Hotrodhawk 6/30/2007
    Jacob 95 Z/28 LT1 6/21/2007
    Brent WhippleCharged Sonic 6/1/2007
    Joseph 31third 5/27/2007
    Bruce RBMotorsports 5/15/2007
    Brian tewkes28 5/13/2007
    Greg 1BadLSC 5/1/2007
    Rod Rod442 4/30/2007
    Matthew RatPatrol 4/28/2007
    Kevin KC90GT 4/5/2007
    Todd Reckless 3/24/2007
    Seve Ortontucky Terror 3/20/2007
    Scott Line Noise 3/3/2007
    Steve Derty 2/28/2007
    Scott 2QuickZ's 2/28/2007
    Johnny 8URPONY 2/28/2007
    Jason BIGJ 2/28/2007
    Greg 89notchback 2/28/2007
    Dan Dougherty Doc99SS 2/28/2007
    Mike zosick 2/26/2007
    Michael 1bdnova 2/21/2007
    Nancy Morin kjmracer14 2/4/2007
    Kevin bigblockcoupe 1/23/2007
    Mike 2hipsi 1/19/2007
    Christian captainmurphy 12/17/2006
    Chris GTPprix 12/13/2006
    Salvatore blwncobra 12/5/2006
    Adam boosted gt 11/20/2006
    Robbie bluemule 11/19/2006
    Daniel backnblack98 11/9/2006
    Douglas 85Camaro 10/18/2006
    Antonina INJCTED 10/12/2006
    Mike DetroitStyle 10/11/2006
    Dan Mossberg 10/11/2006
    Christopher ChrisUratchko 10/11/2006
    Tiffani slomaro305 9/22/2006
    Robert Bobbo 9/10/2006
    Lonnie Lonnie Schouster 8/27/2006
    Trevor 8/25/2006
    Jeremy xracer82 8/12/2006
    Matthew paqman300 7/31/2006
    Todd Bubba 7/9/2006
    David Nelson Jr FivePoint7z28 7/9/2006
    Scott Ws6cott 6/30/2006
    Nicholas O. 6/28/2006
    Randall Casper302 6/22/2006
    Paul V10Killer 5/22/2006
    Eric 02 Silver Z 4/30/2006
    Daniel They Call Me Juice! 4/25/2006
    Sara 3/29/2006
    Ryan W2WSS 3/18/2006
    Jenny Jenay 3/16/2006
    Mark Sparky 2/28/2006
    Donna Bluhawk 2/28/2006
    Brian Zarken 2/28/2006
    Jamie DUBB Motorsports 2/12/2006
    John dno4re 2/8/2006
    Ronald indyrt 1/25/2006
    Curtis The Con 1/6/2006
    Brent f8lcobra 12/21/2005
    Andrew Stangnut86 11/2/2005
    Marcus ForceFedZ 10/11/2005
    Jason Murph 7/30/2005
    Daniel PD 7/13/2005
    Chris CPFarhood 7/8/2005
    Dwenell ZZRider 7/6/2005
    Steve SSCRIVNER 6/5/2005
    Scott Fetterman 1BADMoFo 6/5/2005
    Pat GT PT 6/5/2005
    Mike Venmous28 6/5/2005
    Kevin BAd Dad 6/5/2005
    John Elkyman 6/5/2005
    James Devenomer 6/5/2005
    David 2001GTSTANG 6/5/2005
    Dave MALIBUDAVE 6/5/2005
    Charles 6/5/2005
    Bob B. 6/5/2005
    Travis DisturbedOne 5/30/2005
    Stephen SS00Blue 5/30/2005
    Rachel DetroitRaceChic 5/30/2005
    Brian brian88lx 5/19/2005
    Mike Belowme 4/30/2005
    Bob SMOKEDU 4/6/2005
    Ben Ramsden 3/31/2005
    Ronnie 1BADLS1 1/16/2005
    Erv GEAR377 12/15/2004
    Will Snkbyte 10/11/2004
    Steve KING SNAKE 10/11/2004
    Steve 306er 10/11/2004
    Ron XtremeS15 10/11/2004
    Robert Saleen2000893 10/11/2004
    Mike twotwoturbo 10/11/2004
    Mike 86firebird 10/11/2004
    Kyle Lightning3514130 10/11/2004
    Jeffrey SVTJeff 10/11/2004
    Jason Probird 10/11/2004
    George George8211 10/11/2004
    David Superdve 10/11/2004
    Dan W. Sr. 10/11/2004
    Dan W. Jr. Platinum 10/11/2004
    Andy a383z28 10/11/2004
    Tim Time2Kill 10/8/2004
    Jason ZR2_S10 9/29/2004
    Glen V6TA 8/6/2004
    Walt 95_Ram-Air 7/31/2004
    Tim Grnmustangcobratim 7/31/2004
    Randy HardDriver 6/30/2004
    Quentin Dream1q 6/30/2004
    Justin SlowGT 6/30/2004
    Jim 2slotime 6/30/2004
    Jim Cammer 6/30/2004
    Chris C4 Convertible 6/30/2004
    Will Rotgut 5/30/2004
    Scott 2tonhog 5/30/2004
    Todd Alon0n 4/30/2004
    Richard WavyNavy99Z 4/30/2004
    Philip Philv6 4/30/2004
    Mark WS6Mark 4/30/2004
    John Blackhawk2000 4/30/2004
    Joe Joestang - Jtkz13 4/30/2004
    Jeff Kandied91z 4/30/2004
    Guy T/A#4 4/30/2004
    Greg Turbolx 4/30/2004
    Larry Rippers_Evil_Twin 3/31/2004
    Ryan Ryan LS1 2/28/2004
    Josef Penthos 2/28/2004
    Andrew Fivepntohh 2/28/2004
    Last edited by 2001-WS6; 07-18-2011 at 10:34 AM.
    01 Black on Black Trans Am WS-6... hrrmmmmmmm it might be a barn find????

  4. #4
    Elected Club Official 2001-WS6's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Waterford/White Lake


    We'll be playing catch up on the list this week to get updates in for racing season.

    01 Black on Black Trans Am WS-6... hrrmmmmmmm it might be a barn find????

  5. #5
    Official Motown Events Director Hugger Z's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Harnessing 620HP up in Holly, MI


    Just renewed my membership for 2010!
    My Toys: Hugger Orange 1999 Z28 6-Spd Twin Turbo
    1937 Chevy Pick Up Extended Cab (1 of 1)
    Future Toy: Orange Ultima GTR or SLC...

  6. #6
    Club Member The California Guy's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Bakersfield, CA


    My check was sent on 3/19.


  7. #7
    Club Member knievel's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2005


    paypal sent a few days ago

    Thanks for the great site
    '00 Mustang GT, LQ4, L92 Heads, BW S475, Th400

  8. #8
    Club Member The Man's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Macomb, MI


    1993 Mustang LX Coupe

  9. #9
    Elected Club Official 2001-WS6's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Waterford/White Lake


    Yep, we were out on spring break last week. So I'll get the next bunch of updates setup and copied to Mark so he has all the latest info this evening.

    01 Black on Black Trans Am WS-6... hrrmmmmmmm it might be a barn find????

  10. #10
    Club Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2009


    Just paypaled.

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