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Thread: Caution if you are considering an "authentic license plate" with the state of michigan

  1. #1
    Club Member Justindwright's Avatar
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    Default Caution if you are considering an "authentic license plate" with the state of michigan

    I sent in the paperwork to get a blue 87 michigan plate registered on my lincoln under the authentic plate system. What they do not tell you until you pay the fee and wait for a few weeks is that the authentic plates are not maintained in the "LEIN" system (law enforcement information network).. So if a cop is behind you and runs your plate, it will come up as "no record found". I have taken my car out twice and got pulled over BOTH times because the plate did not come back. The blue plate with 87 tabs automatically throws a red flag, then it not being in the system almost 100% guarantees a traffic stop. Seems like a huge hassle to me and very misleading by the state. Just wanted to give you guys a heads up.

  2. #2
    Forum Member
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    Good to know, I just bought a mint 1990 plate for my Truck.


  3. #3
    Club Member derbydad276's Avatar
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    I think the problem is (late ) model cars ...

    I was never bothered with the 67 plate on my F100

  4. #4
    Club Member Justindwright's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by derbydad276 View Post
    I think the problem is (late ) model cars ...

    I was never bothered with the 67 plate on my F100
    either way, your 67 or my 87, neither will show up.

  5. #5
    Club Member 4Gas$'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Justindwright View Post
    I sent in the paperwork to get a blue 87 michigan plate registered on my lincoln under the authentic plate system. What they do not tell you until you pay the fee and wait for a few weeks is that the authentic plates are not maintained in the "LEIN" system (law enforcement information network).. So if a cop is behind you and runs your plate, it will come up as "no record found". I have taken my car out twice and got pulled over BOTH times because the plate did not come back. The blue plate with 87 tabs automatically throws a red flag, then it not being in the system almost 100% guarantees a traffic stop. Seems like a huge hassle to me and very misleading by the state. Just wanted to give you guys a heads up.

    Did the cop ask you what seemed like a strange question(s)?

    Many law enforcement officers license plates are registered
    under "no record found" and have been for many years.

  6. #6
    Club Member BigWheelinBubba's Avatar
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    Did they take your stash, man?

  7. #7
    Club Member hangemhigh's Avatar
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    I've already got my vintage plate for my '64 Dodge. As you all know, I support law enforcement, so I expect no problems....


  8. #8
    Club Member mustangmike6996's Avatar
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    I have a nice pair of 1969 plates for my Mustang (havent used them/driven the car with them)... I can see where the blue plate can cause some issues tho.

    So what is the fix for it? Or are you going to get stopped every time you go out?

  9. #9
    Club Member svtserpent's Avatar
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    Hmm, I got all my paperwork back from the state for my old motor cycle plates and It clearly stated that they would not be in the "LEIN" system.
    They even gave me a blue slip to show when or if I ever get pulled over.

  10. #10
    Club Member mustangmike6996's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by svtserpent View Post
    Hmm, I got all my paperwork back from the state for my old motor cycle plates and It clearly stated that they would not be in the "LEIN" system.
    They even gave me a blue slip to show when or if I ever get pulled over.
    So if the plate is not in the system, every cop who is behind you cannot run your plate and would have a reason to pull you over. If I am getting this correct. It seems like it is a huge pain if that is the case.

    What about this scenario:

    You are legally parked on a street and have a plate that cant be run by police would that put you in a position to be towed since it could possibly be an "unregistered" vehicle (even if it has current tabs)?

    Or can the plate be run if the cop just simply calls in to dispatch to run?

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