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Thread: Lapeer dragway has a new owner

  1. #321
    Club Member WhiteHawk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SuperStang90 View Post
    You aren’t really understanding. What do you do when you as a track owner are put into that position? They finished the show. It wasn’t a planned ordeal but they did what they had to do. As for the complaining neighbors, this plan they have to limit hours and or shut the track down had been in motion since way before that. This one event made no impact on their motive.

    Everything done to this track has been done by the book. He got necessary permission where needed and like I stated he didn’t have restrictions. So there was nothing going against the grain doing what he did. This is a case of a few bad seeds paying off a judge. Karma will play its course.

    As for my statements where I said he has the money to drag this on, that is towards the ones that thought he would fail, he’s not giving up and will make sure the right thing is done no matter how long it takes. He’s sunk millions in the facility to make it a nice place for people to enjoy. He’s tried to play nice with everyone and be reasonable. And he has kept getting shit on. There’s a lot of miserable people in this world that have nothing better to do than try and bring others success down. That’s what this case is all about. None of these statements are out of his mouth, this is all observations I’ve made based on factual information. I live less than a mile from the track and have been involved since day one of everything going on. The things I’ve read that are so far from the truth really boil my blood.

    in my opinion it’s best for the township to come to a reasonable agreement with the owner of the track that will benefit all parties, because without a doubt the current injunction imposed is asinine.
    You are in denial. Running to 3 am on a Sunday night (Monday AM) is the only thing asinine - name another time that has happened? People have always had issues, but a 3 am end time has cost any good will or tolerance. His argument that he can do what he wants might work in caveman times. But as has been demonstrated by his loss in court, it doesn't work in 2019.

    Honestly, if his stance is that he can do whatever he wants, he's fucked. He should be trying to make a deal. In the long run he is just going to end up buying a lot of lawyers a lot of yachts. He has probably already bought one a yacht in a losing effort. And he wants to win in court? A rural jury is going to be mostly comprised of old people and farmers who will put him out of business at the first opportunity. Not sure what his plan is here, he has already lost once though, and apparently not learned a thing. It would be cheaper to buy all the land around him then to pay lawyers in a losing effort.

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  2. #322
    Club Member WhiteHawk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mikesfastss View Post
    Good for him hopefully he wins in court, he bought an existing business that makes noise and now it’s a problem because the previous owner can see that this guy is making money and he regrets it. Fuck that old man and the neighbors that don’t like it. If you move close to rail road tracks and don’t
    Like the sound will they stop running for you? Exactly!
    It didn't make noise at 3 am Monday morning. The courts agreed once already. He is fighting a losing battle.

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  3. #323
    Club Member PaysoProductions's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by WhiteHawk View Post
    You are in denial. Running to 3 am on a Sunday night (Monday AM) is the only thing asinine - name another time that has happened? People have always had issues, but a 3 am end time has cost any good will or tolerance. His argument that he can do what he wants might work in caveman times. But as has been demonstrated by his loss in court, it doesn't work in 2019.

    Honestly, if his stance is that he can do whatever he wants, he's fucked. He should be trying to make a deal. In the long run he is just going to end up buying a lot of lawyers a lot of yachts. He has probably already bought one a yacht in a losing effort. And he wants to win in court? A rural jury is going to be mostly comprised of old people and farmers who will put him out of business at the first opportunity. Not sure what his plan is here, he has already lost once though, and apparently not learned a thing. It would be cheaper to buy all the land around him then to pay lawyers in a losing effort.

    Why do you have such a bad perception of Bill? Like US!!
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  4. #324
    Club Member WhiteHawk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PaysoProductions View Post
    Why do you have such a bad perception of Bill?
    I don't know the guy from Adam. All I can go by is his actions. His actions are that he bought a track, fixed it up, then has proceeded to almost get it shut down. It looks like he did some trespassing in there too and driving without a license if the letter is to be believed. I am rooting for him, but I think he is getting some bad advice. It's time for humble pie, not lawyers.

    And it is funny that this whole mess and all the shit you guys are giving me - that nobody brought up the 3am Monday morning fiasco until I did? Because when I saw my old friend who is the neighbor, I started giving him a hard time until he told me about it. It is tough to pile on someone who just wants it to be quiet at 3 am. Can anyone defend it other than say it was only once? Because that is not a defense. "The event ran late" is not a defense either. Because I am telling you, with a first hand account from an aggrieved neighbor, that the 3 am incident was the single reason he and others enjoined the lawsuit.

    Maybe if Bill made right on that - and I have no idea how - but that is the incident he needs to make up for. Did he ever apologize?

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  5. #325
    Club Member mikesfastss's Avatar
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    Where are all the facts or proof that this all happened? Does anyone have actual court transcripts or legal complaints? Not talking about word of mouth from a friends neighbors co worker. Superstang obviously would be a more trusted source being he is a member of the community.
    Last edited by mikesfastss; 10-04-2019 at 02:51 PM.

  6. #326
    Club Member WhiteHawk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mikesfastss View Post
    So essentially Geoff is the whistle blowers friend in this case lmao. I’m gonna say your info is all fake news....
    Call it what you want. There was a lot of playing the victim until I brought up the place running until 3 am. There are two sides to every story is all I was saying. And second hand accounts seem to be perfectly allowable for whistle-blowers too, since you brought it up!

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  7. #327
    Club Member mikesfastss's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by WhiteHawk View Post
    Call it what you want. There was a lot of playing the victim until I brought up the place running until 3 am. There are two sides to every story is all I was saying. And second hand accounts seem to be perfectly allowable for whistle-blowers too, since you brought it up!

    well it seems that bill should threaten the concerned citizen with treason then to get his way lmao. Fact of the matter is if he broke some kind of noise law he should have been ticketed and had his chance in court. I live down the road from a factory and I knew that moving in to the house. Sounds to me like a witch hunt.

  8. #328
    Club Member WhiteHawk's Avatar
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    The problem is that the guy at the track has already been impeached. Now he goes to the senate for a trial that might shut him down for good. I'm rooting for him!

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  9. #329
    Club Member SuperStang90's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by WhiteHawk View Post
    The problem is that the guy at the track has already been impeached. Now he goes to the senate for a trial that might shut him down for good. I'm rooting for him!

    It’s safe to say that you’re an asshole without any information other than what your non knowing buddy told you, or you may have read in a biased article. And yes there was a publicly made apology for the event running that late that ONE evening. To me it doesn’t sound like are rooting for anyone but your buddy. A couple people may have lost a little sleep, shit happens pal.

    And for people bringing his personal life into the whole ordeal, that’s childish. Worry about your own doings, not others. The man is trying to better the community and put Lapeer on the map. He has been doing a good job at it. Who cares what he spends on lawyers or whatever he wants. He’s just trying to make a nice place for people to go to. Aside from that quit worrying about it. Hopefully your lame friend moves away, maybe he’s the fella that put his house up for sale. Good riddance!

  10. #330
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    Don't think you guys need to be giving Geoff shit over this, he's only relaying what he was told.

    People have every right to be annoyed that he ran till 3AM, I get the reason but that doesn't make up for the fact of being inconsiderate to your neighbors. Any big party I or my neighbors have had that goes late my neighbors have either been invited or told if we're being too loud to let me know and they've always done the same. Good that he apologized for that, that may have left a bad taste in some people's mouth regardless. I hope he can come to some sort of resolution with them and get the times he was running back for 2020.

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