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Thread: Covid.. your opinion....

  1. #41
    Club Member WhiteHawk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by moneypit View Post
    CDC is pushing for it , i figure friday schools will be closed for 3-4 weeks thats pretty much the rest of the year
    The world is upside-down isn't it? Now Whitmer refuses to lock us down? CDC and local health leaders are all telling her to shut it down too, that hospitals are going to be full soon. We passed the surge level in November in terms of hospital bed count. CDC is pushing back on her vaccine request saying that it is not the solution either - they are saying vaccines won't show results for months, and Michigan needs results now.

    I try to stay away from conspiracy theories, but maybe Gary was right? Maybe Whitmer and a bunch of the dem governors got together and figured out that locking us down made Trump look bad, so they would do it regardless of the data. But yea, I can't believe we aren't locked down right now. Let me re-iterate that I don't think what she did helped us, but by not locking us down, she is basically changing her entire stance on how to deal with pandemics, and admitting what she did for the last 12 months didn't work (which we all know now).

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  2. #42
    Club Member ASRoff's Avatar
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    just got back from florida... its awesome to be able to sit next to another human and make a new friend... now... one of the biggest things I have seen is that the folks that were really at risk was people who are obese (no matter what age) were most at risk. so why is Florida which has a considerably older population doing better than most states with massive lockdowns? some reasons.. I think are the sunshine (UV kills the virus the second you breath out) and the Florida lifestyle allows folks to be more active. so, eat right... get sun and have an active lifestyle.

    On another note... Performance red dale's sister lives down here in NC and is my neighbor... she is a nurse at Smithfield Hospital she says she hasn't seen a covid case in months..... MONTHS.... is it because we are more open here in NC that MI? something to think about......
    motown muscle southern chapter "we find rust free material for the michigan masses"

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  3. #43


    Quote Originally Posted by ASRoff View Post
    just got back from florida... its awesome to be able to sit next to another human and make a new friend... now... one of the biggest things I have seen is that the folks that were really at risk was people who are obese (no matter what age) were most at risk. so why is Florida which has a considerably older population doing better than most states with massive lockdowns? some reasons.. I think are the sunshine (UV kills the virus the second you breath out) and the Florida lifestyle allows folks to be more active. so, eat right... get sun and have an active lifestyle.

    On another note... Performance red dale's sister lives down here in NC and is my neighbor... she is a nurse at Smithfield Hospital she says she hasn't seen a covid case in months..... MONTHS.... is it because we are more open here in NC that MI? something to think about......

    I agree with being active and sun exposure being factors in this whole mess

    Just got back from Cozumel and had to get a Covid test before getting on the return flight home. The Dr at the resort where they were testing. told me there was 1 person that had tested positive since they reopened in November.

    Talking to the locals down there they didnt seem concerned about getting infected.

    Looked like the fans at the Astros Tigers games the last couple days didnt seem too worried about getting exposed either.
    Last edited by picturethis; 04-15-2021 at 07:47 AM.

  4. #44
    Club Member Wizeguy's Avatar
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    Nitwhits gonna shut it all down again.. and now we're learning we gotta have 3 shots now?
    This is not going away ANYTIME soon

  5. #45
    Club Member WhiteHawk's Avatar
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    57 weeks to flatten the curve!

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  6. #46
    Forum Member H.O. Driver's Avatar
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    Our family doctor was preaching the herd immunity and advised the mask, over sanitizing and locking down will weaken your immune system to a point where basic cold and flu bugs would be difficult to handle and would need hospitalization for those bugs. He said the over cautious that are not very healthy will be affected by the weakened immune system in about 6 months and the healthy would see the weakened immune system in about a year. Sadly the Munson hospital system dropped him for telling people this. I have searched for where he went, can't find him. Hopefully he opens his own practice soon.

    I am sorry for everyone's losses, nothing had to be this way. Since so many people have to be told what to do and believe the government is always right it has divided americans to a disfunctional society. The wrong are right and the right are wrong. Something's are more important than obedience but the media portrayal of importance is fogging people's minds. My parents are in their upper 70s and are all for the Whitmer and Biden way of life. They asked me if I was going to get vaccinated and I said no. I asked them if they were, and they replied yes. I said you probably should, you guys are at more risk of the virus being deadly with your age. Then they began to get upset and whine because I didn't try to talk them out of it like my republican friends.... I told them both, it is time to do something other than watch the news all day.

    I remember back in March 2020 when someone was convincing people, a short lockdown to save lives...and here we are. I know europe has had opposite sides of the spectrum results just like states in the US but we have to look at how they are counting deaths. Are they counting deaths as Covid deaths or Covid related deaths? I am sorry but if you are on hospice with a morphine drip to keep you comfortable from terminal Brain tumor and your blood work after death says you had Covid and you are tallied as a Covid death is wrong. If that is how it works they need to reopen all death cases with people who had AIDS. It may seem apples to oranges but it is hard to get consistent data if the rules of counting are different each time or different for each area.

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  7. #47
    Club Member wrath's Avatar
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    What we know is:

    This is our first pandemic. Nobody is going to be happy with the result.
    Politics are what people do when they have too much time on their hands. Politics is what destroyed most past civilizations. When people don't have enough of their own shit to worry about they worry about forcing what they think is "right" on others. Nothing gave people more time to participate in politics than sitting around at home fellating themselves while on the dole.
    It is something that spreads through the air. Just like the flu. So treat it like the flu. If you can smell someone's fart you can get the {insert airborne disease here}. So don't loiter around people that may be carriers. The problem with this particular disease is *many* people can be carriers with no symptoms.
    People with pre-existing conditions tend to die of everything easier. Doesn't matter what it is. The tricky part is that this one can push people onto ventilators and we don't have that many ventilators.
    Humans are selfish, awful, and disgusting.

    If you want to learn what not to do, look at our neighbors to the north. This is their first pandemic rodeo also, but they rolled the greed dice and lost.

  8. #48
    Forum Member H.O. Driver's Avatar
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    Not our first rodeo either....yes the numbers of deaths are lower but so was the total population. The percentage rate is still the same or higher back than. We have 300,000,000 people, 1% of that is a lot of people. I don't know the population numbers back then, but I am sure death rates were higher because of medical science not where it is today.

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  9. #49
    Club Member DetroitStyle's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by WhiteHawk View Post
    Mike, similar populations between Michigan and Sweden. Michigan sitting at 16,500 deaths, Sweden at 13,000 with no lockdown. Seems like Sweden did better than Michigan with no lockdown.

    Why aren't we locked down right now? Tons of people dying, cases spiking? Why not lock us down again if it works so well?


    Sweden is also twice as large as Michigan, which by default means the population density is 50% less. So, the travel spread factor is probably significantly less there as our largest cities are only an hour or two apart. They also have universal health care and significantly less poverty... so they probably don't have the same situations, with lots of people crammed into smaller homes like in Detroit Hard to compare with vastly different cultures. The facts though, show that with directly comparable neighbors who DID lock down... like Finland, Iceland, Norway... they did significantly worse
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  10. #50
    Club Member DetroitStyle's Avatar
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    Personally, I think the real reason this country has failed... is absolutely President Trump. He had a chance to lead and he chose to play politics instead. He was afraid to look weak leading up to the election and was worried about what ANY lock down would do to the economy and stock market, which are his calling cards. So, he absolutely ignored the science on how diferent, contagious and deadly this particular strain is.... and decided to roll the dice. And, the way he works, is he won't ever admit that he was wrong, so he just kept doubling down, rather than listen to science. Now, while I say that, I don't doubt that some of the Democratic governors (including our own) chose to take the bait and play politics game right back at him. Both sides turned it into being about their personal political careers rather than the health of their constituents.

    The real success, in ANY of this... is cooperation and moderation. Instead of saying "No masks, no lockdowns, I want everything open by Easter!" or the Dems saying "Lock everything down!" The real answer is right down the middle. We don't HAVE to lock down, but that's only if EVERYBODY does their part. We leave things open, but you people need to be responsible, wear masks WHENEVER you are outside of your home, stop the gatherings and parties, stop denying science. Work together and we can all win. Instead, we chose to fight and we all lost. And the reason for that is that a large majority of Republicans (and I say this as a never voted Democrat in my life person) are so brainwashed by Trumpism and Q-Anon that they have lost all common sense.
    Last edited by DetroitStyle; 04-17-2021 at 04:49 PM.
    1994 Yamaha YZF-750R / 1993 Honda CBR900RR / 1991 Kawasaki ZX-7 / 1992 Kawasaki ZX-7R / 1993 Kawasaki ZX-7 / 1989 Suzuki GSXR-750

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